How to Balance Law School and Work feat. John Teakell

John Teakell shares his journey from being a prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney's Office to transitioning into private practice as a federal criminal defense attorney. Throughout the episode, John discusses his experiences in the legal field, the challenges of balancing work and law school, and the importance of staying open to new opportunities and career transitions. Tune in to gain insights into the diverse paths available to young lawyers and law students in the legal profession.


  • The importance of following your interests and passions when choosing a legal career path
  • The significance of maintaining a healthy attitude towards change and exploring new opportunities throughout your legal career
  • The benefits of combining different skills and experiences to create unique career paths in law and beyond


  • The insights into balancing work and law school, including the challenges and benefits of pursuing a law degree while working
  • The evolving nature of legal careers and the possibilities for exploring alternative paths within and outside the legal profession
  • The transition from prosecution to defense in the legal field and the considerations involved in making such a shift

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How to Balance Law School and Work feat. John Teakell

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How to Balance Law School and Work feat. John TeakellHow to Balance Law School and Work feat. John Teakell

About This Episode

John Teakell’s Background

John Teakell has a diverse background in the legal field, starting his career as a prosecutor in the State Prosecutor's Office before transitioning to the Federal Prosecutor's Office, where he spent over a dozen years working on large and unique cases. Eventually, John made the switch to private practice, focusing on federal criminal defense and state defense cases. His experience includes handling a variety of cases, from white-collar offenses to drug trafficking and computer crimes. Despite initially envisioning a long-term career in prosecution, John's passion for the law led him to explore different avenues within the legal profession.

“I was interested in law enforcement or some facet of law from an earlier age," shares John Teakell on You Are A Lawyer.

Throughout his career, John's experiences in both prosecution and defense have shaped his perspective on the legal profession, emphasizing the importance of following one's interests and motivations in the legal field. As he continues to navigate his career, John remains open to new opportunities and potential transitions, showcasing his adaptability and willingness to explore different paths within the legal industry.

Why Law School

John chose to attend law school due to his genuine interest in law enforcement and the legal field. He mentioned being intrigued by law from an early age and saw law school as a stepping stone to pursue his passion for prosecution and other aspects of law. John's decision to attend law school was driven by his desire to utilize his legal education as a foundation to enter the field of law enforcement or prosecution. 

"I was interested in law enforcement or some facet of law. And then I decided that I, I didn't, regardless of whether I was going to do that or not, I wanted to go to law school and then try to use that as a base to either get into prosecution or, or, or whatever," reflects John Teakell on Episode 152 of You Are a Lawyer.

John's experience in law school and his subsequent career in the legal field have shaped his perspective on the diverse opportunities available within the legal profession. He emphasized the importance of following one's interests and motivations when embarking on a legal career. John highlighted the significance of exploring different areas of law to determine one's true passion and direction within the legal field.

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What Can You Do with a Law Degree

John emphasized the importance of following one's interests and passions when choosing a legal career path. He mentioned how he transitioned from prosecution to defense, showcasing the flexibility and adaptability that a law degree offers. John's experience highlights that with a law degree, individuals can explore various fields such as prosecution, defense, consulting, or even transitioning into different professions altogether.

“It's really where your interests are, what you are really excited about more than something else," reflects John Teakell on Episode 152 of You Are a Lawyer.

John's journey from working in a bank during the oil boom to becoming a successful federal prosecutor and eventually starting his own law firm demonstrates the versatility of a law degree. His story underscores that a law degree not only equips individuals with legal knowledge but also with valuable skills in business management and decision-making. John's experience serves as a testament to the fact that with a law degree, individuals can pursue diverse career paths, from practicing law to managing a business or even exploring creative endeavors.

Lawyer Side Hustles

John Teakell's journey from prosecution to defense showcases the flexibility and opportunities available to lawyers in pursuing alternative career paths. As John mentioned in the podcast, having experience in managing an office, handling expenses, and making business decisions as a lawyer can provide a solid foundation for venturing into side businesses. His transition from a government prosecutor to starting his own law firm highlights the potential for lawyers to leverage their legal expertise in entrepreneurial endeavors.

“If you have the tenacity to continue to do that, I think that gives you some confidence and bolsters trying to make a jump into something else,” shares John Teakell in Episode 152 of You Are a Lawyer.

By utilizing their legal skills and business acumen, lawyers can successfully navigate the challenges of running a side hustle while maintaining their legal practice. Whether it's consulting, writing books, or pursuing creative endeavors like art, lawyers have the opportunity to embrace new ventures and expand their professional horizons.

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Contact John Teakell

John Teakell is licensed to practice law in the State of Texas

Learn more about John

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Kyla Denanyoh hosts the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

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