Kyla Denanyoh interviews lawyers with exciting side hustles, ambitious career changes, and fun hobbies.
As trained advocates, we must advocate for ourselves, our talents, and our skills.
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You Are A Lawyer is a podcast for dreamers, game-changers, risk-taking lawyers, and law students who refuse to settle for the small, traditional lawyers.
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With more than 20,000 unique downloads, the You Are A Lawyer podcast celebrates lawyers and attorneys.
Kyla is great at delivering energetic ads that grab the listeners attention and instantly increase brand awareness. - Jasmin Robinson
Since launching on April 16, 2020, You Are A Lawyer has worked with diverse sponsors to encourage and support lawyers and law students.
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I never considered podcast advertising, but the warm leads that we received really increased business. - Vernon W. Thomas
Mark C. Fava has had a career unlike most lawyers. A former naval flight officer, aviation lawyer, and now a vice president at the world’s largest aerospace manufacturing company, Mark has spent decades leading in high-pressure environments. His new book, Lessons from the Admiral, Naval Wisdom and Sea Stories for Leaders, shares leadership insights from his time working with an admiral and how those lessons apply to law, business, and life. In this episode, we dive into his career pivots, risk-taking, and why understanding people—not just legal rules—is the key to success.