How to Embrace Part-Time Podcasting feat. Kyla Denanyoh

Kyla Denanyoh, host of the You Are a Lawyer podcast, shares her insights on the joys of being a part-time podcaster in this episode. From declining guests to managing burnout, Kyla discusses the importance of embracing amateur podcasting and finding balance in creating content while still enjoying other aspects of life. Tune in to discover the four valuable lessons Kyla has learned in her four years of podcasting experience.


  • How to embrace being a part-time podcaster and enjoying the flexibility it offers
  • Why you should decline guests if they don't align with your show's focus or if you're not interested
  • How to manage your way out of burnout by delegating tasks and responsibilities


  • The importance of managing burnout and finding ways to replenish your passion and energy
  • The benefits of part-time podcasting and how it can enhance your enjoyment of the creative process
  • The luxury of not having to monetize everything and allowing podcasting to be a fulfilling passion project

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How to Embrace Part-Time Podcasting feat. Kyla Denanyoh

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How to Embrace Part-Time Podcasting feat. Kyla DenanyohHow to Embrace Part-Time Podcasting feat. Kyla Denanyoh

About This Episode

Kyla Denanyoh’s Background

Kyla Denanyoh, the host of the You Are A Lawyer podcast, is a multi-talented individual who has made significant leaps in her career as a business owner, mother, and wife. With a podcast that started in April 2020, Kyla has been dedicated to creating evergreen content that resonates with her audience. She initially started with bi-weekly episodes, eventually transitioning to weekly releases. Kyla has expanded her podcasting endeavors by launching podcasts for others, training individuals in podcast editing, and managing other podcast hosts. She emphasizes the importance of managing burnout by delegating tasks and only showing up to record when she wants to, allowing her to maintain her passion for podcasting. Kyla has a background in operations and project management, which has enabled her to effectively handle the various aspects of podcast production.

“I've been a podcaster for four years. I enjoy podcasting and you know what I really enjoy about my podcast specifically right now? I only show up when I want to record," shares Kyla Denanyoh on You Are A Lawyer.

This quote highlights Kyla's ability to balance her podcasting commitments with other aspects of her life, showcasing her expertise in managing her time and resources effectively. Kyla's background as a lawyer and her experience in podcasting demonstrate her dedication to her craft while also prioritizing self-care and avoiding burnout.

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Skip the Boring Stuff

Skip the Boring Stuff is a business founded by Kyla Denanyoh, aimed at helping business owners streamline their content creation process. Through her business, Kyla offers services such as recording, editing, and uploading content for podcasts and YouTube videos. By hiring a virtual assistant and working with editors, Kyla has been able to expand her business and provide valuable support to her clients. 

“I managed my way out of burnout by hiring an assistant. Hey, can you take over email? Can you take over guest communications? And can you take over scheduling social media? Cool. Oh, and I hired an editor. Hey, can you take over editing and then putting it on YouTube and making sure the graphics look good? Great,” shares Kyla Denanyoh in Episode 146 of You Are a Lawyer.

Skip the Boring Stuff reflects Kyla's passion for storytelling and her desire to empower others to share their stories. By launching multiple podcasts for various niches, Kyla has not only expanded her creative endeavors but also helped individuals in different industries connect with their audience through engaging content. The business's focus on skipping mundane tasks and allowing clients to focus on their core message resonates with Kyla's mission to create more storytellers. Through Skip the Boring Stuff, Kyla has successfully combined her entrepreneurial spirit with her love for storytelling, making a significant impact on the content creation landscape.

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Skip the Boring Stuff

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Kyla Denanyoh hosts the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

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