How To Start a Law Podcast and Monetize It feat. Holly Cope

Holly Cope shares her journey from practicing law to helping lawyers create engaging podcasts in this episode. She discusses the importance of building a personal brand as a lawyer, documenting one's journey through law school, and overcoming limiting beliefs to excel in the legal profession. Holly's insights on leveraging a law degree for various opportunities and the value of storytelling in the legal field provide valuable advice for law students and young lawyers.


  • How to leverage a law degree for various career opportunities beyond traditional legal practice
  • The importance of building a personal brand as a lawyer and documenting your journey on social media
  • Strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs and imposter syndrome when starting a podcast or pursuing new ventures


  • Transitioning from practicing law to freelancing and eventually helping lawyers create engaging podcasts
  • The role of coaching and counseling in supporting lawyers to become successful podcasters
  • The significance of confidence-building through sharing personal experiences and tips on social media platforms like LinkedIn

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How To Start a Law Podcast and Monetize It feat. Holly Cope

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How To Start a Law Podcast and Monetize It feat. Holly CopeHow To Start a Law Podcast and Monetize It feat. Holly Cope

About This Episode

Holly Cope’s Background

Holly Cope, a former lawyer from near Liverpool, UK, made a significant career shift from practicing law to becoming a successful freelance writer and podcast producer based in Madrid, Spain. Holly's journey began with her realization that the traditional nine-to-five office culture of the legal industry did not align with her desire for freedom and flexibility. This led her to explore alternative career paths, ultimately leading her to establish a thriving freelance writing business and venture into the world of podcasting. Holly's passion for storytelling and making legal content accessible and engaging has driven her to help lawyers create more interesting and relatable law podcasts, challenging the traditional perception of legal content as dry and boring.

“I absolutely loved studying law. I loved practicing law. I think it's a great industry, but it was just the nine till five, the office working, the culture and schedule that I didn't like," shares Holly Cope on You Are A Lawyer.

Through her experiences in studying law, practicing as a lawyer, and eventually transitioning to freelance writing and podcasting, Holly has demonstrated the versatility and transferability of skills gained from a legal education. Her emphasis on building a personal brand and documenting her journey serves as an inspiration for law students and young lawyers looking to explore diverse career opportunities beyond traditional legal practice.

Why Law School

Holly expressed her passion for the legal industry, stating that she enjoyed studying law and practicing it. She found the process of studying law to be engaging and fulfilling, appreciating the discipline, consistency, and critical thinking skills it required. Holly's decision to pursue law school was driven by her desire to immerse herself in the legal field, despite later realizing that the traditional office culture and schedule did not align with her nomadic and free-spirited nature.

"I absolutely loved studying law. I loved practicing law. I think it's a great industry," reflects Holly Cope on Episode 145 of You Are a Lawyer.

Holly's experience in law school and the legal field provided her with valuable skills and knowledge that she continues to utilize in her current endeavors. She highlighted the importance of documenting one's journey and building a personal brand, emphasizing the significance of sharing experiences and insights with others. Holly's advice to law students and young lawyers to document their progress and share their stories reflects her belief in the power of personal branding and authenticity. By encouraging individuals to showcase their journey through law school and legal practice, Holly underscores the potential for building confidence, connecting with others, and standing out in the legal profession.

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What Can You Do with a Law Degree

Holly stressed the importance of building a personal brand and documenting one's journey as a law student or young lawyer. By sharing experiences, tips, and advice on platforms like social media, individuals with a law degree can showcase their expertise, build a following, and stand out in the legal industry.

“I think it would be super interesting for someone to take you through their day-to-day of what they do and how they cope and how they manage because it is a crazy journey," reflects Holly Cope on Episode 145 of You Are a Lawyer.

Holly emphasized the value of storytelling and sharing one's journey through law school or legal practice. By documenting the highs, lows, challenges, and successes, individuals with a law degree can not only build confidence but also inspire others in the legal field. Holly's advice to speak from the heart, give tips, and provide insights resonates with the idea that a law degree can be a powerful tool for storytelling and connecting with a wider audience.

Lawyer Side Hustles

Side hustles for lawyers can be a great way to explore alternative career paths and find more flexibility in their work. Holly Cope, a lawyer turned podcast producer, shared her journey of starting a freelance writing business on the side before transitioning into podcasting full-time. She emphasized the importance of finding a balance between traditional legal work and pursuing entrepreneurial ventures.

“I was doing that on the side and then I built that up, that freelance business up until I was in a position where I could quit my job,” shares Holly Cope in Episode 145 of You Are a Lawyer.

Lawyers can benefit from side hustles not only financially but also in terms of personal growth and fulfillment. By documenting their journey and sharing their experiences, lawyers can build a personal brand and attract new opportunities. Holly suggested that lawyers should consider sharing their stories and insights, especially on platforms like LinkedIn, to connect with a wider audience and showcase their expertise.

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Contact Holly Cope

Holly is a Barrister practicing in the UK

Learn more about Holly

Interact with You Are A Lawyer

Kyla Denanyoh hosts the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

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