How to Transition from Lawyer to Digital Nomad feat. Brian Dixon

Brian Dixon, a lawyer turned digital nomad, shares his journey of transitioning from practicing law to running his own business as a copywriter while living in Bali. In this episode, Brian discusses his decision-making process, the support he received from his family, and the importance of embracing change and taking risks in one's career. Listeners will be inspired by Brian's story of pursuing multiple passions and redefining the traditional boundaries of a legal career.


  • Insights into the decision-making process of leaving a traditional legal career to pursue writing and freelancing
  • Understanding the role of a business lawyer for startups and the value they bring to the table
  • Encouragement for law students and young lawyers to explore diverse opportunities with their law degree


  • The benefits and challenges of being a digital nomad and running a professional business from a non-traditional setting
  • The importance of taking risks and embracing change, even in the legal profession
  • The significance of research, preparation, and seeking help in navigating career transitions

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How to Transition from Lawyer to Digital Nomad feat. Brian Dixon

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How to Transition from Lawyer to Digital Nomad feat. Brian DixonHow to Transition from Lawyer to Digital Nomad feat. Brian Dixon

About This Episode

Brian Dixon’s Background

Brian initially pursued a career in law, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather who were also lawyers. However, after working for a year in a traditional legal setting, Brian made a bold decision to become an entrepreneur and transition into the world of copywriting and business law for startups. This shift allowed him to combine his legal expertise with his passion for writing and helping others in the startup community. Brian's journey showcases his willingness to take risks, embrace change, and explore unconventional career paths.

“I can be a lawyer and a digital nomad. I can help other lawyers and live in Bali. I can have a connection to my family and not live in the States. It just sounds like abundance," shares Brian Dixon on You Are A Lawyer.

Brian has an amazing ability to navigate multiple roles and identities, demonstrating his adaptability and open-mindedness towards new opportunities. Brian's background reflects a blend of legal knowledge, entrepreneurial spirit, and a desire to explore different paths, making him a versatile professional with a unique perspective on career development.

Why Law School

Brian’s family background played a significant role in his decision to attend law school. Growing up with a father and grandfather who were both lawyers, Brian was exposed to the legal profession from a young age. This exposure, combined with witnessing the dedication and hard work required in the field of law, likely influenced Brian's decision to pursue a law degree.

Furthermore, Brian's experience at law school, particularly in Buffalo, seemed to have shaped his perspective on the legal field. Despite the challenges and grueling nature of law school, Brian's decision to attend and complete his legal education reflects his determination and commitment to the profession.

"I've made all these expensive decisions. Why would I change my mind now," reflects Brian Dixon on Episode 143 of You Are a Lawyer.

Brian displayed resilience and dedication to pursuing a career in law, even when faced with obstacles and doubts. Overall, Brian's family influence and his perseverance during law school likely played a significant role in his decision to choose law as his career path.

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What Can You Do with a Law Degree

Brian's journey from practicing law to becoming a successful entrepreneur and digital nomad showcases the versatility and adaptability of a law degree. As Brian mentioned, "Anything and everything you want" is possible with a law degree, emphasizing the endless possibilities for law students and young lawyers to explore various career paths. Whether it's starting a business, freelancing, working with startups, or even combining legal expertise with other passions like writing, the options are limitless for those with a law degree.

“We know how to mitigate the risk. So that should make you riskier, right," reflects Brian Dixon on Episode 143 of You Are a Lawyer.

Brian's experience highlights the importance of embracing change and taking risks in one's career journey. His transition from practicing law to pursuing entrepreneurship and digital nomadism underscores the idea that a law degree can serve as a foundation for diverse and unconventional career paths.Ultimately, Brian's story serves as an inspiration for law students and young lawyers to think outside the box and leverage their legal education in innovative and fulfilling ways.

Lawyer Side Hustles

Lawyers like Brian Dixon, who embrace the digital nomad lifestyle, exemplify the potential for side hustles in the legal profession. By leveraging their legal expertise and skills, lawyers can explore opportunities beyond traditional law practice, such as freelance writing, consulting for startups, or offering legal services remotely while traveling the world. Brian's journey as a digital nomad showcases the flexibility and adaptability that lawyers can harness to pursue diverse side businesses while maintaining their legal careers.

“I think lawyers can do anything and everything they want with their law degree,” shares Brian Dixon in Episode 143 of You Are a Lawyer.

Embracing a side hustle as a lawyer not only allows for personal growth and exploration but also opens up avenues for expanding one's professional horizons. By venturing into side businesses, lawyers like Brian can tap into their creativity, passion, and entrepreneurial spirit, leading to a more fulfilling and diversified career path. As Brian's experience demonstrates, having a side business as a lawyer can be a rewarding endeavor that complements and enhances one's legal practice. As he advises, "Lawyers can write their own rules," encouraging fellow legal professionals to explore the endless possibilities that come with leveraging their legal skills in unconventional ways.

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Contact Brian Dixon

Brian Dixon is licensed to practice law in the states of New York and Colorado.

Learn more about Brian

Interact with You Are A Lawyer

Kyla Denanyoh hosts the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

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